How to Immediately Start Earning
Some of the Highest Yields of All Time
Join us for our urgent SUPERYIELD
CONFERENCE on Tuesday, November 2nd
with Founder Dr. Martin D. Weiss
and genius yield hunter Marko Grujic
Dear Subscriber,

You’re invited to join us for our urgent SUPERYIELD CONFERENCE on Tuesday, Nov. 2 …
Giving you the amazing opportunity to start immediately collecting some of the highest yields in history with little or no market volatility:
- 4 times more than you can make on high-yield bonds!
- 15 times more than you can make with stock dividends!
- 67 times more than the yield on 5-year jumbo CDs!
Without market price risk. Without default risk. Without lock-up periods.
Instead of nearly zero returns, you get high, double-digit annual percentage yields (APYs) that are virtually out of this world.
Instead of big risks like defaults, bond market collapses and stock market crashes, you get to deposit money in instruments that’s designed never to go up or down in value.
Instead of locking up your money, you get the freedom to withdraw it at any time with no penalty.
Other income investors and retirees are stuck in a world of near-zero interest rates on their savings and potentially near-fatal risk with every “high-yield” alternative they can find.
Our SUPERYIELD CONFERENCE gives you the opportunity to kiss that risk-filled world goodbye and enter an entirely new world that now offers some of the highest yields of all time.
The zero-yield high-risk world of today is nothing new. It’s been Public Enemy #1 of investors since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
But now, a new enemy has reared its ugly head that makes it far, far worse: INFLATION.
With inflation surging, not only must investors choose between crazy low interest rates and crazy high risks — now they must also suffer from a big hit to the value of their PRINCIPAL.
That transforms a nagging, frustrating problem into an INCOME EMERGENCY!
But that all changes starting next Tuesday, November 2, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern!
You’ll have the opportunity to immediately start earning 19.5% APY, 25% APY, 40.4% APY and even more … without always looking over your shoulder.
I know how unbelievable that may sound. That was my initial reaction as well. But I’ve seen the evidence. And on Tuesday, Nov. 2, one of the smartest yield hunters in the world today is going to help me demonstrate it for you.
With real money. In real time.
Here are the specs …
The Event:
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time
Live Online, streaming on a secure site
for Weiss Ratings VIP members ONLY
FREE to Weiss Ratings VIP members only.
Please do not share this invitation.
How to attend:
Click here to register, and you’ll promptly receive
your invitation by email.
To be among the very first to witness this landmark event, just RSVP below and then, join us on Tuesday, November 2, at 2 p.m. Eastern!
Good luck and God bless!
P.S. If you haven’t added your name to our VIP text-reminder list, please do so now. It’s the best way to ensure you don’t miss a single benefit … and that all reminders or access links come directly to your mobile. To add your name to the list, simply text “SUPERYIELD” to 38470.
Yes, I hereby claim my early-access pass to your November 2, 2:00 PM online event: SUPERYIELD CONFERENCE