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The Greatest Money Revolution of All Time Part 2

Starting in 2010, Bitcoin grew from practically nothing to a
$127-billion asset, and counting. This could be even bigger.

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Welcome again to my home here in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

When we last met, I told you about the hundreds of millionaires and even billionaires that have been created by the historic rise of Bitcoin …

And I also told you about one of the big declines they suffered in-between.

I introduced you to three supercryptos that have risen three, 10, even 29 times more than Bitcoin.

And I demonstrated to you the power of our Weiss Crypto Ratings to help you select what to buy.

Now, I’m back for the second episode of this amazing story.

I’m here to take you beyond the question of WHAT to buy and zero in on the question of WHEN to buy (or sell).

As I’ll illustrate in a moment, with this simple enhancement, instead of profit potential of hundreds of thousands of dollars, you could be looking at profit potential in the millions of dollars.

All starting with a relatively small investment.

Plus, before we’re done here today, I’ll give you the opportunity to receive my gift of $300 in a cryptocurrency that merits one of our highest ratings.

If our forecast is correct, this small gift alone could grow to as much as $9,000.

First, though, let’s go back to the big event that triggered this new phase of the crypto bull market, the Bitcoin Halving in 2020.

That’s when new Bitcoin supplies were cut in half.

And that’s around the time when the price of Bitcoin took off like a rocket, just like we said it would.

How did we know? History!

Every single time the Halving occurred in history, it helped create one of the biggest fortunes of the century.

The numbers are astronomical.

So, you probably remember them from the last time we spoke.

On the day of the previous Bitcoin Halving back in 2016, if you had invested $10,000 in Bitcoin, you could have made 30 times your money, enough to turn $10,000 into $300,000.

If you had invested in Ethereum, you could have turned those same $10,000 into approximately $1 million, or 100 times your money.

And if you had invested $10,000 in a crypto called NEM, you could have turned it into about $2 million, or 200 times your money.

If you had just bought and held Bitcoin at the time of the prior Bitcoin Halving (in 2016), you could have turned a $10,000 investment into more than $300,000. If you had bought Ethereum on the same day, you could have turned $10,000 into more than $1,000,000. And with NEM, your $10,000 could have turned into more than $2 million.

All without any timing signals — just buying everything on the exact day of the Halving.

But here’s the thing: You could have made a lot more money if you used timing signals like ours.

For example, if you had invested that same $10,000 in Bitcoin before the Halving, instead of $306,000, you could have made $532,000.

With Ethereum, instead of making $1 million, if you had a good timing signal, you could have made more than $14 million.

The clincher is NEM.

Had you invested $10,000 in NEM, sure, you could have walked away with $2 million.

But with better timing on your purchase, you could have made $94 million!

That’s 309 times more than the fortune investors made buying Bitcoin on the day of the Halving.

Yes, buying cryptocurrencies on the exact date of the last Halving could have created great fortunes. But with signals from a crypto timing model like ours, those fortunes could be multiplied many times over. To review the benefits of our service, jump to this section of this report.

How Do We Time The Crypto Market?

Well, in addition to using our Crypto Ratings Model, which tells you WHAT to buy, you can also use our Crypto Timing Model, which tells you WHEN to buy.

The architect of our Crypto Timing Model is Juan Villaverde, the same mathematician and crypto expert who designed our Crypto Ratings Model.

Several years ago, he made a breakthrough discovery.

He discovered that, like nearly everything in nature, cryptocurrencies move in regular, predictable cycles.

He also discovered that, due to the Halving, which occurs like clockwork every four years, the cryptocurrency cycles are even MORE predictable than the cycles of most other markets!

Here are two major examples:

First, around the time we introduced our Weiss Crypto Ratings, when cryptocurrencies were reaching their ultimate peak in December 2017 and January 2018.

Well, investors all over the world were going absolutely nuts for Bitcoin and other leading cryptos.

Cryptocurrencies were in bubble-land, grossly overpriced and extremely risky.

So, our crypto ratings naturally reflected that.

And when we issued our first ratings, almost all the cryptos got Cs, Ds and Es.

Not a single crypto got an “A.”

Our message to investors was absolutely clear:

“Stay away or get the heck out.”

Juan’s next major signal came about one year later.

The exact date: December 12, 2018, when the price of Bitcoin was just about hitting rock bottom — near the low three thousands.

That’s when we announced to the world that it was finally time to start BUYING Bitcoin!

Our announcement went viral.

Coin Intel News broadcast it all over the internet, and they said,

“Weiss Ratings calls the bottom.”

Bitcoin News wrote …

“Weiss Ratings declares now best time to buy Bitcoin.”

And countless blogs and websites picked it up too.

Sure enough, just three days later, Bitcoin hit rock bottom and that was the end of the crypto bear market of 2018.

One crypto commentator wrote …

“Your transparent and unbiased ratings will bring light to the darkness and murky crypto world.”

Forbes, CNBC, Fortune, The Motley Fool, and many others told their readers about the importance of the Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings.

And crypto blogs all over the world have praised our Weiss Ratings experts for their uncanny accuracy in pinpointing the best cryptos to buy …

and the right time to buy them.

So, as you can see, it was thanks to our Crypto Timing Model that we publicly warned investors to get OUT of Bitcoin near the very top.

And it was also thanks to our Crypto Timing Model that we publicly alerted investors to get back IN near the very bottom.

Both predictions are recorded in history.

Both predictions made headlines at the time.

And just those two calls alone could have helped investors make millions of dollars.

And those are just TWO examples of what our Crypto Timing Model can do for you.

To my knowledge, it is the only system in the world that can get you into the best bargains at the right time, lock in your profits at the right time, and avoid the big declines at the right time!

Exactly How Accurate Is Our Crypto Timing Model?

Well, to answer that question, we ran a thorough study going all the way back to 2010, when Bitcoin first began trading actively.

But let’s first look at how much you could have made without our timing signals — just buying and holding Bitcoin from the first day it traded on an exchange.

Brace yourself, because this is one of the most shocking numbers you’ll ever see:

If you started with just $1,000, you would now have …

Two hundred and seventy-seven million, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars.

If you started with just $1,000, and just bought and held Bitcoin in 2010, you would now have
two hundred and seventy-seven million, nine hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars.

That’s got to one of the best 10-year profits in the history of man.

However, if you had applied our timing model, you could have made 9.96 times more.

Instead of “just $277 million,” you would have …

Add word “dollars” in caption: Two billion, seven hundred and sixty-eight million, four hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars.

That’s starting with just $1,000.

If you started with $10,000, you’d have this much …

Over $27 billion!

However, if you had applied our timing model, you could have made 9.96 times more… over $27 billion.

As unbelievable as that may sound, it’s a documented fact based on hard data.

All without selling short, without frequent trading, and without any of the cryptocurrencies that are even more profitable today.

Strictly with Bitcoin.

Now, I’m not citing these numbers as a way of promising similar returns going forward.

In fact, there are firm grounds to believe you will probably not be able to make that much money again.

Rather, the reason I cite these historical numbers is to give you an idea of the power of our Crypto Timing Model.

Over time, the data shows that it can help you outperform a Bitcoin buy-and-hold strategy by 9.96 to one.

Why can’t you again transform $10,000 today into $27 billion in the next 10 years? First, because back in 2010, when Bitcoin first traded on an exchange, it was an experimental asset.

It was a very illiquid asset, kind of like a penny stock.

Today, it’s far more mature and much more liquid, with infinitely more trading volume and market cap.

That’s a good thing because it helps you significantly reduce your risk.

Second, the entire crypto marketplace has evolved since the early days.

Cryptocurrencies are now listed on large, reputable exchanges.

They’re bought and sold by Wall Street banks and other big institutions.

That makes them more secure and that also helps reduce your risk.

But, as you know, with reduced risk comes reduced profit potential.

That’s why you won’t make $27 billion, at least not in Bitcoin.

But still …

Compared to any other asset class, the profit potential you can make is off the charts.

And other, newer cryptocurrencies have a history of rising a lot more than Bitcoin.

Consider Ethereum, for example, which is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world today.

After the Bitcoin Halving in 2016, Ethereum surged over three times more than Bitcoin.

And after the Bitcoin Halving of 2020, Ethereum again surged three times more than Bitcoin.

You know, we see this three-to-one pattern time and time again, and so I can say with a high level of confidence that, in crypto bull markets, you have the potential to make at least three times more in Ethereum than you can make in Bitcoin.

Stop and think about that for a moment.

Investor A buys and holds Bitcoin.

Over time, he makes 10 times his money.

That’s a darn good return.

Investor B also buys Bitcoin, but instead of just holding, he buys and sells here and there, based on our Crypto Timing Model.

He outperforms the buy-and-hold investor 9.9 to one, and he makes 99 times his money.

That’s far better.

Investor C beats them both!

Instead of using just Bitcoin, he uses our Crypto Timing model to trade other select cryptos with larger profit potential than Bitcoin.

A trader using both our Ratings Model and our Timing Model can increase his profit potential many times over.

Among them, right now, I think Ethereum is the most important.

It’s important because it’s network is the paramount world computer that circles the globe and is shared by millions of users on earth.

It’s where users can share thousands of computer programs — called decentralized applications, or DApps.

Ethereum is important because its network now moves more money than any other cryptocurrency in the world, even more than Bitcoin.

And look at this: In 2020, Ethereum settled over $1 trillion in transactions.

In second line of slide.

That’s so large, it even surpasses the transaction volume on the giant PayPal network, with its 350 million customers.

Ethereum has surged to overtake even Paypal in transaction volume.

And for investors, Ethereum is especially important because, as I said, it has a proven history of surging three times faster than Bitcoin in rising markets.

So, clearly, the biggest profit potential of all comes from COMBINING the power of our Weiss Ratings Model with the power of our Timing Model.

Consider, for example. is the fastest-growing asset in the new world of Decentralized Finance, DeFi.

Why? Because it’s the provider of the highest safe yields in the world today.

Some people say it’s like a virtual bank.

Others say it’s like a digital hedge fund.

But no matter what you call it, the fact is, if you’re a depositor, you can earn yields that are many times greater than what you might get in a bank CD today.

And if you’re an early investor, you could have already made 29 times more than other investors made with Bitcoin in the same period.

Remember what I said earlier about the history of Bitcoin? Remember how an investor with $1,000 in Bitcoin, who did nothing more than hold it come hell or high water, could have made $278 million in 10 years?

Well, if you could have invested $1,000 in back in July of 2020, you could have made a similar amount in 10 WEEKS.

This is an extreme example, to be sure.

But it’s certainly not the ONLY example.

Other similar cryptos we’ve discovered have surged 1,573%, 3,780%, and 5,398%.

Time and time again, the conclusion is the same.

The possibilities are mind-boggling.

And the big opportunity is not just some day in the future.

The big opportunity is here and NOW.

The Bitcoin Halving has already happened.

Bitcoin has already busted through its all-time highs.

Other cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum and, have a proven history of surging three times faster, even 29 times faster that Bitcoin.

And best of all, as you’ve seen, our Crypto Timing Model can multiply THAT profit potential up to 10 times over.

With our Weiss Ratings Model, you get our picks for WHAT to BUY.

And with our Crypto Timing Model, you get our signals on WHEN to BUY, or sell.

But don’t rush to buy all our favorite cryptos right this second.

Instead, buy them when Juan gives you the “Buy” signal.

Then, sell when he gives you the “Sell” signal.

And rest assured, we never issue new ratings or signals on a whim.

They’re based on over 28 million pieces of data and nearly 50,000 calculations per day.

We spent over $3.5 million developing the algorithms behind this technology.

And they’re very complex.

But for the end user — for you — it’s very simple.

No day trading.

No complex strategies.

No borrowing or leverage.

And you don’t even need to know much about cryptocurrencies or blockchain.

All you’ve got to do is follow our alerts.

If you know how to buy and sell stocks online, you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies online.

The only thing that may be unfamiliar to you is opening your account with a cryptocurrency exchange, but we’ll give you easy-to-follow instructions on that aspect as well.

Then, once you’ve got your account open, there’s nothing complicated about making the trades.

Heck, the days of cryptocurrencies being difficult to purchase, tough to access, and risky to store are long gone.

How much money should you invest? Well, no matter how vast the opportunity may be, I don’t recommend investing all of your money in cryptocurrencies.

The good news is you don’t NEED to invest all your money, not even close.

As I’ve demonstrated with multiple examples, all you need is a small grubstake and you could STILL turn it into hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars over time.

I’m personally investing $100,000 — and I’m doing that for a couple of reasons.

First, because I want to put my money where my mouth is — I want to underscore how confident I am in our Weiss Crypto Ratings and in our Crypto Timing Model.

Second, because I want you to be able to watch how I’m personally using our system in a real-money, live portfolio.

Access to my portfolio is exclusively available through our service …

 The Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio

And if you join our Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio today — with this presentation — I will pay for your first trade.

So, here are the benefits you get:

Benefit #1. You get all our crypto trade alerts.

Every “Buy” and “Sell” signal from our Crypto Timing Model.

The same model that could have outperformed the life-changing gains in Bitcoin by 9.9 to one …

and that could make you even more money with cryptocurrencies leading the DeFi Revolution.

Benefit #2. You get full transparency.

I always invest my own money in the same trades.

So you can always see exactly what I’ve bought or sold, and the exact prices I’ve achieved.

Benefit #3. You get one-on-one tech support.

Full access to our team of crypto specialists who can give you as much time as you need.

They can’t give personal investment advice, but they can show you how to open an account, make trades, follow our alerts, and much more.

Normally, this kind of one-on-one coaching costs a fortune.

We’ve seen one group charging something like $10,000 for that sort of service.

But we don’t charge extra at all.

Whatever you need, whatever questions you may have, our team is here to help you every step of the way.

This benefit title page can be shortened further as follows:

Benefit #4. You get premium access to all of our Weiss Crypto Ratings.

Every week, you’ll be the first to get our Crypto Ratings’ upgrades and downgrades.

The entire list is delivered straight to your inbox before it goes to the general public.

Others pay $468 per year for this service.

But it’s yours free.

Benefit #5. You get tremendous savings!

Normally, membership to Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio is $7,000 per year — and I think it’s a bargain at that price.

But if you join right now, with this broadcast, your membership cost is just $2,850.

Benefit #6. You get $300 in FREE Ethereum!

If Ethereum does nothing more than match Bitcoin’s performance, your $300 in free Ethereum could be worth $3,000 and cover the entire cost of your service for one year.

And if Ethereum continues to outperform Bitcoin three to one, your free Ethereum could be worth $9,000.

Not only will it cover the entire cost of the service, but you’d also have an extra $6,000 to spend … or invest.

If Ethereum does nothing more than match Bitcoin’s
performance, your $300 in free Ethereum could be worth $3,000
and cover the entire cost of your service for one year.

And if Ethereum continues to outperform Bitcoin three to one,
your free Ethereum could be worth $9,000.

Benefit #7. is my guarantee.

Now, I can’t guarantee what the future will bring, but I CAN promise you this: If we don’t help you make at least 10 times your money in your first year, I’ll give you a second year for free!

So as you can see, I’m so confident in this proposition, I’m backing it up with my own money in three ways:

First, I’m investing my own funds alongside with you.

Second, I’m giving you $300 worth of Ethereum.

Third, if the Weiss Cryptocurrency Portfolio doesn’t help you make 10-for-one gains — enough to turn every $10,000 into $100,000 — I will pay you for your second year.

You will get a $7,000 value absolutely free.

Now, there are two very reasonable limitations to this offer:

Limitation #1. This offer is only available as a part of this broadcast. After that, it disappears.It’s strictly a one-time-only offer.

Limitation #2. We’re only making this offer available to the first 500 investors who take action.

After those first 500 spots are taken or this offer expires, whichever comes first, it will be impossible to join at this price.

The urgency is obvious.

The Halving has occurred.

It has already helped trigger a big rise in Bitcoin, not to mention the price explosion in

So, if you want to secure your spot, be sure to click the button below this screen right now, before it’s too late.

If you don’t join us now, you could risk missing out on what could be some of the greatest wealth-building opportunities since the dawn of Bitcoin.

You know, we’ve seen thousands of investors miss the last crypto boom — and they say they kick themselves for missing out on what could have been a life-changing fortune.

So, I hope you don’t make that mistake, too.

The Halving has happened.

The new Bitcoin superboom is already here.

Decentralized Finance is just beginning to take off.

So, the sooner you act, the better your chances of getting in at a price that could give you the best gains.

You get our guidance to the very best cryptocurrencies in the world, based on our ratings.

You get our timing signals to buy and sell at the best time, with a history of beating Bitcoin by 9.9 to one.

You get to see my actual real-time, real-money cryptocurrency portfolio.

You get the Weiss Crypto Ratings’ upgrades and downgrades before the general public.

That alone is worth $468 per year.

You get a huge discount.

Instead of $7,000, you pay only $2,850.

And on top of that, you also get $300 in free Ethereum, which could easily cover the entire cost of the service.

And one more thing: You get my personal promise.

If you can’t make at least 10 times your money
by the end of your first year with us, I will give
you a second year free.

I think this is truly an amazing package.

If you agree and would like to know more, just take a look at the information on the screen I’m going to take you to in a moment.

Bitcoin has already made new, all-time highs.

The cryptocurrencies leading the great DeFi Revolution are already rising three times, even 29 times more than Bitcoin.

So, be sure to take a serious look at this opportunity right now.

And no matter what you decide, I look forward to seeing you again here very soon.