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to the upcoming Weiss Online Forum…
Urgent Zoom Call with Juan Villaverde:
First Buy Signal of
the New, Multiyear
Where: The Weiss Online Forum Center
When: Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2 p.m. Eastern
For your free ticket: Click here.
Dear Member,

In our Weiss Crypto Forum late last year, Juan Villaverde declared — clearly and unambiguously — that “the big bottom in crypto is near.”
He anticipated some bad news might hit the market but said he would likely be issuing his first “Buy” signal for the new bull market in January.
Now, that’s precisely what has happened. The bad news hit hard in November. The market suffered one last decline. It recovered. And now Juan is back to tell us the “big bottom in crypto is here.”
His message: All the bad news is old news. Virtually all the selling has been exhausted. New, more mature technology is coming into its own. The downside risk is minimal; the upside potential, enormous.
The last time Juan declared the big bottom in crypto was on Dec. 12, 2018.
Investors who bought Bitcoin on that day could have seen more than 20x returns.
Ethereum rose 54x.
Cardano skyrocketed 102x.
And ChainLink beat them both by a mile, up nearly 234x — enough to turn a $10,000 initial investment into $2,333,746.
Unfortunately, most investors back then were too scared to touch crypto. So, they missed it!
And, today, with many investors scared again, the cyclical pattern is very, very similar.
If Juan is right, this is wonderful news for investors. But it’s extremely time sensitive.
Because it’s the ONLY time in the multiyear-term Bitcoin cycle that investors can go for both …
At the same time!
Which coins Juan thinks are candidates to be the biggest winners in the coming crypto bull market?
What’s precisely the best time to buy them? Juan will give you the answers in our upcoming Zoom call.
You will learn …
- Exactly what to buy, how much to pay and when.
- Why Juan waited patiently for the “big bad news” of failures and financial disasters to hit the crypto world … and welcomes the great buying opportunity it has created.
- The powerful new technologies that are now powering up a new crypto bull market unlike any we’ve seen before.
- Approximately when and at what price levels to expect Juan’s second “Buy” signal, which he says will be even more important than the first signal he’s issuing now.
- Why all the big bad news is OLD news, and all about the new tech that’s powering up the next bull cycle.
- The #1 most promising altcoin in the world today, how much to invest, when and at what price. (Hint: It’s not Ethereum.)
- The NAMES of the most probable big leaders of the next big bull market — including the five altcoins that have historically risen by an average of 3x more than Bitcoin.
- The scientific method we use to identify precisely WHEN to buy the crypto leaders.
- The single most important cycle in the crypto market and how you can use it to your great advantage.
- How investors could have made large fortunes over the years simply buying and holding Bitcoin.
- How they could have beaten a Bitcoin buy-and-hold strategy by nine to one.
- And much more!
Here are the details …
The event: First Buy Signal of the New, Multiyear CRYPTO BULL CYCLE
When: Tuesday, Jan. 24
Time: 2 p.m. Eastern
Where: Weiss Forum Center
Cost: Free for Weiss Ratings Members only. So, please do not share this invitation.
To attend: Click here to register. You’ll receive your free ticket immediately via email.
Important: Juan’s first “Buy” signal of a new bull market comes only once every four years.
It provides the single best buying opportunity of the cycle.
And this rare moment in time won’t wait for you, me or anyone else.
So, don’t miss this. If you do, it will be impossible to turn back the clock.
Click here for your free ticket now.
Good luck and God bless!
Martin D. Weiss, PhD
Founder, Weiss Ratings
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